In the Iwami region of Shimane, as the sky begins to darken stories of the “kami” gods battling the forces of evil are told through the performances known as Iwami Kagura. During the weekends performances are held at the local shrines and performed by the local troupes.
In the Iwami region of Shimane, as the sky begins to darken, locals gather at their local shrines to watch the stories of the “kami” deities battling the forces of evil through the performances known as Iwami Kagura. But once every year, the stage is set at a different location. A more natural setting, somewhere where the setting sun sets the backdrop, the ocean air fills the atmosphere, and the gentle sound of the waves crashing against the coastline can be heard within the beats of the music.
Last year’s “Umi Kagura” event.
*Last year was a special event so the event stage will differ from this year.
This year’s “Umi Kagura” event takes place on September 15th (sunday) and is set at the beach on the coastline of the Sea of Japan with the setting sun in the background. It’s a small event where locals gather to watch the stories of Iwami Kagura and support their local troupe.
Date: September 15, 2019 (Sun)
Time: 16:00 ~ 21:00
Price: 2,000 JPY w/ 1 free drink incl. *tickets can be bought from 15:30 on the day
Location: Fukumitsu Beach, Ohda City
Fukumitsu Beach (5min walk from JR Iwami Fukumitsu Station)
Fukumitsu Kaigan, Yunotsu-cho, Ohda City, Shimane Prefecture
Example 1 : From Izumo Airport side
[Rapid Service Train]
MATSUE STATION (13:20 departure)
-> IZUMOSHI STATION (14:01 departure)
-> YUNOTSU STATION (14:50 arrival)
-> [Normal Train] YUNOTSU STATION (15:46 departure)
-> IWAMI FUKUMITSU STATION (15:49 arrival)
Example 2 : From Hagi-Iwami Airport side
[Normal Train] MASUDA STATION (13:30 departure)
-> (14:18 arrival) HAMADA STATION
[Normal Train] HAMADA STATION (14:37 departure)
-> IWAMI FUKUMITSU STATION (15:21 arrival)
*express trains do not stop at JR Iwami Fukumitsu Station.