*You can view or download the travel guide (in PDF) from the download page.
Discover SHIMANE (ENG)
Introducing the famous tourist spots of Shimane
Discover SHIMANE (VN)
Introducing the famous tourist spots of Shimane
Shimane Drive Time Map
A map displaying the driving time to major tourist spots such as Izumo Taisha
OKI Island Guide Book
Tourist guidebook for the Oki Islands
Accessible Travel Magazine SHIMANE Area
Barrier-free tourism information in Shimane
HIROSHIMA – Shimane 1000yen Highway Bus
A highway bus with a discount for foreigners visiting Japan that lets you travel between Hiroshima and Shimane for just 1000 yen one way.
IWAMI-Exploring Unfamiliar Japan-
Tourist information on Iwami, the ancient western region of Shimane
Iwami Kagura – Living Tradition
A Beginner’s Guide to Iwami Kagura
Descubre SHIMANE
Presentando los lugares turísticos famosos de Shimane
Entdecken Sie SHIMANE
Vorstellung der berühmten Touristenattraktionen von Shimane
Откройте для себя CИМАНЭ
Знакомство с известными туристическими местами Симанэ
Shimane Wellness Tourism Brochure (ENG)
Discovering the Path to Wellness
Shimane Wellness Tourism Brochure (JPN)