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Tenjin Summer Festival




Starting some 400 years ago, Shirakata Tenmangu Shrine’s annual summer event, Tenjin Summer Festival, is held every year on July 24th and 25th.
On the first day of this festival, July 24th, the deity of the shrine is transferred to the mikoshi (portable shrine) and carried throughout the streets of Matsue. This event is said to purify the area and bring blessings to the locals.

During this time there are summer food and game stalls set up near the shrine.

[July 24th Parade Schedule] 2024
6:00 pm – Departure from Shirakata Tenmangu Shrine

7:15 pm – Departure from Shirakata Park

7:30 pm – Shirakata Honcho street

8:00 pm – Kagami-biraki (sake opening ceremony) in front of Bookcafe DOOR

9:00 pm – Arrival at Shirakata Tenmangu Shrine

*you can apply to participate in next year’s parade through their official website.


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