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Cave mouths that have been eroded by the sea, and which can be seen from a sightseeing boat and from the land


On the cliffs at the tip of Kukedohana, which juts out into the Sea of Japan, as well as on the shore close to the land, there are cave mouths that have been carved due to erosion by the sea. The cave mouth at the tip of Kukedohana is called Shinkukedo. It is 200m long, and the cave itself is wide, so on days when the sea is calm, it is possible to ride a boat into the cave and enjoy the views. In addition to sightseeing boats, there is also a walking track from the land. The cave mouth close to the shore is known as Kyukukedo. The entrance is about 5.5m wide, but it is around 20m inside and more than 10m high. It is even possible to disembark from the sightseeing boat and venture onto land. Legend has it that there is a place within the cave where the spirits of deceased children gather. As a result, a countless number of items that children who died at a young aged enjoyed using when they were alive, such as clothing and favorite toys, have been offered at the cave. There is also a large number of cairns. As these have weathered, new offerings and cairns have been stacked on top, giving the cave’s dim interior a spine-chilling atmosphere.

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